Every time you travel with us, your vehicle is chosen based on the needs expressed in your customer file. We understand that you may prefer one type of vehicle to another, but there are many factors we must consider so that we can keep delivering our service to all who need it.

The number of eligible paratransit customers is growing faster than the number of paratransit vehicles! But our teams constantly strive to manage our vehicle routes effectively, so that we can always honour your travel requests and ensure your safety.

1.	The driver of an accessible taxi welcomes a passenger, who is using a four-wheel mobility scooter.

Accessible taxis are suitable for making trips with multiple customers, particularly those who require a certain amount of space for their mobility aids.

Our minibus fleet is small, but these vehicles are always on the road to accommodate as many customers as possible each day.

Sedans are suitable for many paratransit customers, including those who need to store their mobility aids in the trunk. 

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