
Ligne 1 - Verte

Operating hours

Line 1 - Green

Towards Angrignon Towards Honoré-Beaugrand
First Last First Last
Weekdays 05h41 00h49 05h53 01h01
Saturday 05h41 01h19 05h53 01h31
Sunday 05h41 00h49 05h53 01h01

After the last métro, you can use the night bus service.

Frequency of departures

Line 1 - Green

From 7am to 9am and from 4pm to 6pm
Morning, day and evening (non-peak)
Week Every 2 to 5 minutes Every 3 to 8 minutes
Week-end Every 6 to 10 minutes

Estimated occupancy


  • 2570, rue Ontario Est, H2K 1W7

Neighbourhood map (PDF)

Around this station

How do I get to the special shuttle in case of a métro service interruption?

Find out more about the station

Mobile network available at this station

Bus transfers

Local 85 Hochelaga West East
Local 94 D'Iberville South North
Local 125 Ontario West East
Local 185 Sherbrooke West East
All-night 350 Verdun / LaSalle West East
All-night 353 Lacordaire / Maurice-Duplessis East West
All-night 355 Pie-IX South North
All-night 356 Lachine / YUL Aéroport / Des Sources West East
All-night 357 Saint-Michel South North
All-night 358 Sainte-Catherine West East
All-night 360 Avenue des Pins West East
All-night 362 Hochelaga / Notre-Dame East West
All-night 364 Sherbrooke / Joseph-Renaud West East
All-night 368 Avenue-du-Mont-Royal East West
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