Du Collège

Ligne 2 - Orange Elevators available

Operating hours

Line 2 - Orange

Towards Côte-Vertu Towards Montmorency (zone B)
First Last First Last
Weekdays 06h06 01h20 05h31 00h31
Saturday 06h06 01h50 05h31 01h01
Sunday 06h06 01h20 05h31 00h31

After the last métro, you can use the night bus service.

Frequency of departures

Line 2 - Orange

From 7am to 9am and from 4pm to 6pm
Morning, day and evening (non-peak)
Week Every 2 to 7 minutes Every 2 to 8 minutes
Week-end Every 6 to 10 minutes

Estimated occupancy

Line 2 - Orange

Nearly empty.
Distancing possible.
Some seats available.
Distancing not possible.
Standing room only.
Distancing not possible.
Nearly full.
Due to the particular configuration of the métro tracks at the Du Collège station towards , the estimated metro occupancy level is not available. We will work on this in the later development phases of this functionality.


  • Accès A - Cartier, 450, rue Ouimet (Fare booth is closed)
  • Accès B - Du Collège, 1490, rue Du Collège - Elevator access

Neighbourhood map (PDF)

Around this station

Elevator access to the métro

The motorized door is located on Décarie Boulevard.

As there is no longer a booth attendant at the du Collège Nord entrance, you must validate your ticket to access the elevator. If necessary, a fare vending machine is located at the entrance of the building.

Plan your trips around elevator accessibility across the network:

  • Orange line: possible connection with the Blue line at Jean-Talon and Snowdon métro stations, and with the Green line at Berri-UQAM and Lionel-Groulx métro stations.
  • Green line: possible connection with the Orange line at Berri-UQAM and Lionel-Groulx métro stations.
  • Blue line: possible connection with the Orange line at Jean-Talon and Snowdon métro stations.
  • Yellow line: no connection possible.
  • Berri-UQAM station: only the Orange and Green lines are accessible by elevator.

Visit the Elevator access to the métro page to find all accessible stations

You can check the status of elevator service at any time by going to elevator service updates.

When travelling, you can ask to be accompanied by an STM employee to cross the gap between the platform and the metro car.

How do I get to the special shuttle in case of a métro service interruption?

Four stops are available at this station and the signs are easily identifiable since they are orange, the color of the métro line they serve.

  • Pictogram special shuttle orange line Towards Henri-Bourassa: Bus stop 55706, located on Décarie, corner of du Collège.
  • Pictogram special shuttle orange line Towards Henri-Bourassa: Bus stop 55723, located on Décarie, corner of Saint-Louis.

    Towards Laval

    To continue towards Laval métro stations ( Cartier, de la Concorde and Montmorency), between 5:30 a.m. and 2 p.m., the special shuttle service is operated by the Société de transport de Laval (STL) from Henri-Bourassa métro station. From 2 p.m. to the closure of the métro, the special shuttle service is operated by the STM and ends its service at Cartier métro station.

    • Pictogram special shuttle orange line Towards Côte-Vertu: Bus stop 55703, located on Décarie, corner of du Collège.
    • Pictogram special shuttle orange line Towards Côte-Vertu: Bus stop 55717, located on Décarie, corner of Saint-Louis.

    This shuttle is not free, the regular fare applies. 

    It is also possible to check these stops on the neighbourhood map displayed at the entrances of our stations.

    Special shuttle service

    Find out more about the station

    IMPORTANT : you can use the other entrance to the station where a fare booth will always be open.

    Equipment on site to meet your needs

    Achetez votre titre à la distributrice automatique
    Buy your fare or a new OPUS card (regular fare) at the automatic fare vending machine.
    Utilisez ce téléphone pour parler à l'employé de l'entrée principale
    Use the telephone identified by this symbol to speak with an employee at the main entrance.
    Utilisez ce télépone en cas d'urgence
    Use the telephone identified by this symbol only for safety concerns or in the event of an incident.

    Number of bicycle stands available outside the station: 36.  First come, first served.

    Before taking our public transit system with your bike, please read the Bicycles section for more info.

    Bike parking

    Architects: Gilles S. Bonetto & Jacques Garand.

    Opened: January 1984.

    Origin of name: rue du Collège marks the important role of the Collège de Saint-Laurent, an educational institution established in 1847 by the Congregation of Holy Cross.

    Did you know? This station served as a terminus for the Orange line from January 1984 to October 1986.

    Artworks: ionic column by Gilles S. Bonetto, glassworks by Lyse Charland Favretti and Pierre Osterrath and mural by Aurelio Sandonato.

    Discover the STM and its history

    Mobile network available at this station

    Bus transfers

    Local 17 Décarie North South
    Local 72 Alfred-Nobel East West
    Local 73 Dalton West East
    Local 100 Crémazie West
    Local 117 O'Brien North South
    Local 128 Saint-Laurent North South
    Local 175 Griffith / Saint-François West East
    Local 202 Dawson West East
    Local 220 Kieran West East
    All-night 371 Décarie North South
    All-night 378 Sauvé / YUL Aéroport East West
    All-night 380 Henri-Bourassa East West
    All-night 382 Pierrefonds / Saint-Charles West East
    Local 409 Express Des Sources North South
    Local 460 Express Métropolitaine West
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