Make a difference to the future of public transit
My voice my STM is a panel of over 30,000 customers who answer surveys on topics such as our major projects, trial initiatives and service quality. By sharing their opinion, our panelists make a real difference in Montréal public transit. Join them today!
Meeting bus customers
Subject of the study: The crowding comfort threshold in Azur métro cars
In March 2024, we surveyed customers travelling on Azur métro cars between Rosemont and Berri-UQAM stations to determine the crowding threshold that, from their perspective, ensures a satisfactory level of comfort.
Crowding is typically measured by the number of people standing per available surface area. According to research, the average standing North American passenger occupies between 0.20 and 0.24 square metres of space, which usually increases in the presence of objects or mobility aids. When it comes to crowding in the métro, literature suggests that the level of comfort considered “acceptable” by North American customers is around 3.5 people per square metre.
Our teams wanted to go further and find out what the acceptable crowding threshold was from the perspective of STM customers.
The STM research team developed a hybrid method for measuring customer comfort in the field, combining a counting exercise with a quick survey.
Teams of two were dispatched to take the field measurements. One person counted the number of standing customers in a given area of a métro car, noting whether or not seats were available. Meanwhile, the other person surveyed the comfort level of customers standing in the same area.
The data we gathered revealed that customers travelling in the busier direction—i.e., the direction with the highest number of passengers—have a greater tolerance for crowding. This may be surprising, but for the same level of crowding, customers travelling in the busier direction rated their comfort more positively than those travelling in the opposite direction. Our hypothesis is that customers travelling during rush hour to a busy station expect to experience crowding even before boarding the car. As a result, their sense of comfort is less affected by the crowding compared to customers travelling in the opposite direction, who do not expect the métro to be crowded.
The data also allowed us to identify the busiest areas of the métro cars.
Zone A, located directly in front of the doors, is more accessible and wider than Zones B and C, and also more stable than Zone C. As a result, it’s preferred by customers and therefore more prone to crowding. The density in Zone A is, on average, 55% higher than in the other two zones. For equivalent density levels, comfort ratings in Zone A are generally 1 point higher than in Zones B and C
We understand that crowding can be unpleasant for our customers. Rest assured that our teams are working hard every day to improve service frequency and make your trips more comfortable.
You may have already noticed the screens on the platforms, which display the distribution of passengers on the next train. This helps you find a good spot on the platform to board a less crowded métro car—a great way to improve your experience on board!
Want to help shape public transit? Join the My voice my STM panel and share your thoughts with us.
Did you know?
Every year, we hold draws to award prizes to some of our many My voice my STM panelists.
Sign up now and create a profile to be entered automatically in a draw to win one of two quarterly $300 prizes.
Each survey you complete will then earn you a chance to win one of two $200 monthly prizes.
Sign-up contest (300$)
July 2024
Victor Ng, Montréal
Mohammed Sebti, Montréal
April 2024
Dominique Langlois, Montréal
Wissem Bekhtaoui, Montréal
January 2024
Mélanie Xie, Longueuil
Sharon McInnis, Montréal
Survey contest (200$)
September 2023
Pierre Lenoir – Montréal
Nathalie Michaud - Montréal
August 2024
Réjean Duval – Montréal
Alain Lévesque - Montréal
July 2024
Lea Fryer - Saint-Hyacinthe
Robert St Amour - Montréal
June 2024
René Brabant – Montréal
Robert François Yelle - Montréal
May 2024
Suzanne Desneiges Chevrefils – Laval
Carol Ann Trachy - Montréal
April 2024
Richard Deslauriers, Montréal
Maxime Robinson, Montréal
March 2023
Christine Mongeau, Montréal
Donald Thomas, Montréal
February 2024
Annie Major Matte, Montréal
Edwin Linares, Montréal
January 2024
Geneviève Boisjoli, Montréal
Ricardo de Léon, Montréal
December 2023
Jason Domingo – Montréal
Réjean Duval - Montréal
November 2023
Suzanne Nault – Montréal
Chantal Raymond - Montréal
Over 3,000 new panelists have joined My voice my STM since January 2024.
On average, each panelist is invited to complete six surveys per year, with over 15,000 people taking part in at least one survey in 2024.
There are two contests to reward those who take part in My voice my STM. The first is held every three (3) months and is for new panel members and consists of a draw, among them, for two prizes worth $300 (see the contest rules here).
The second one takes place each month and aims to reward those who answered surveys and consists of a draw for two prizes, each worth $200. Each completed survey earns you an additional entry in the draw (see the contest rules here).
You can take part in our surveys in two ways: by email or by text message.
For the past two years, we’ve given panelists the option of receiving our surveys via text message. 700 active panelists chose this option in 2023.
Here’s how to subscribe to text message invites:
If you’re already a panelist, email your request to
If you’d like to become a panelist, sign up here and choose to receive our invitations by text message.
Your opinion makes a big difference
Your feedback, along with that of all the STM customers who respond to our surveys or contact us, sparks discussions, projects and action plans on our end. Our goal is to turn data into action.
We’re here to listen. Your concerns are our concerns, and we’re committed to improving your experience every time you travel with us.
For example:
Here are a few recent STM projects where panelist and customer feedback made a big difference.
Service reliability
In the summer of 2023, we surveyed customers to find out how important bus schedules were to them. But we wanted to get an even better understanding of this aspect of their travel experience. So in January and February 2024, we took to the streets, talking to over 700 customers to learn more about their perceptions of waiting times at various bus stops throughout the city.
From the data we collected, we learned exactly when a customer goes from being satisfied to dissatisfied with bus arrival times. Since those who use real-time updates believe they are seeing more accurate information, they tend to become dissatisfied more quickly when delays happen. This shows that the reliability of real-time updates plays a critical role in customer satisfaction.
Our teams have already taken action in response. When customers view our schedules, they now have access to a new map feature that shows detours and the new locations of bus stops on those detours. This can help customers gauge the impact of a given detour on their trip.
We’re also looking at ways to improve the accuracy of real-time tracking. And of course, our teams are still working hard to provide on-time service despite roadwork and traffic conditions beyond our control.
After working with Transit from February to June 2023 on a proof of concept to display detour information, the STM decided to develop a permanent in-house detour display feature that would be more reliable and accurate. The feature was launched in April 2024.
To find out how its bus customers felt about the new feature, the STM surveyed more than 1,000 bus customers between October and November 2024. The responses confirmed that customers really appreciate the functionality and intend to continue using it. Our teams are working hard to make sure detour information is always as accurate and up-to-date as possible.
In mid-September, the STM launched a campaign to promote good behaviour on the bus and métro networks, with an emphasis on how everyone would benefit. The initiative aimed to inspire all STM customers to adopt respectful habits that make public transit more comfortable and improve métro reliability by reducing passenger-related service disruptions. The campaign encouraged customers to adopt responsible behaviour by highlighting how it positively impacts the entire public transit community.
The key message of the campaign was: “Good habits are contagious,” which recognized positive customer actions when using the network.
Five behaviours were targeted during the first phase of the campaign:
- Wearing headphones when using a cell phone to respect others and their right to a calm environment.
- Letting the métro doors close to avoid service interruptions.
- Keeping personal belongings away from the métro tracks to prevent service interruptions.
- Taking off backpacks to free up space.
- Being kind to others on the bus and in the métro.
To measure the effectiveness of the Good Habits campaign, the STM surveyed its panelists and received feedback from more than 900 bus and métro customers. Overall, the campaign had a positive impact on many levels. The majority of respondents felt that the message was successful in raising awareness about good behaviour on the network, and that the positive tone of the campaign encouraged customers to adopt good habits. Respondents also agreed that the campaign showed that the STM cares about its customers.
Encouraging customers to adopt new behaviours can take time. By combining ongoing communication with other initiatives, we’ll work to directly target and raise awareness among customers who are more likely to engage in behaviours that negatively impact their fellow passengers.
Stay tuned! In 2025, we’ll share even more good habits to adopt.
Safety on our networks
Every day, members of the My voice my STM community share their feelings about safety on the bus and métro networks. Whether it’s service disruptions, overcrowding or any other situation, we want to know what affects your sense of safety. We go over your feedback each month to better target our ongoing efforts to improve your sense of safety on our networks. Thank you for always helping us identify what makes you feel unsafe—and what makes you feel comfortable—during your trips.
Statistically, incidents in the métro cause significant service interruptions. Many of these could have been less disruptive or even avoided if customers had used the available assistance tools to report them. With this in mind, the STM surveyed 750 métro customers in May 2024. The goal was to hear from customers and assess their familiarity with our various assistance tools, then use that information to help shape internal initiatives, particularly future awareness campaigns.
The findings revealed that while customers are generally familiar with our assistance tools, they still don’t use them frequently. Most customers feel more comfortable reporting situations to an employee or using their cell phone.
In response, a mini-awareness campaign about our emergency assistance tools was rolled out on the STM’s social media (Instagram, Facebook and X) and gradually extended to the métro network over the summer.
The survey responses also helped our teams reassess our communication strategies to better inform customers about the available assistance tools. This feedback inspired us to develop a more direct, discreet communication solution, resulting in the launch of a text hotline in November 2024. Early feedback indicates that customers really appreciate this system. However, we’ll be surveying you again in 2025 to better understand the impact of this tool on your day-to-day life. We look forward to hearing from you!
The needs and expectations of métro customers are evolving in a number of ways, from their service delivery expectations to the kinds of shops and services they would like to see in the métro. Transgesco, a commercial subsidiary of the STM, wanted to better understand customer behaviour and expectations regarding both current and desired commercial offerings, with the goal of providing an optimal customer experience. More than 2,000 of you answered the survey, which provided us with valuable insight into your needs and expectations and revealed how commercial offerings play a key role in enhancing your travel experience—whether by increasing your sense of safety or making the métro more appealing.
Stay tuned for more exciting projects coming to the network in 2025.
In fall 2024, the STM took to the streets to meet its customers and invite some of them to participate in a pilot project on the 94 D’Iberville line. Every week in October and November, there were initiatives to enhance the sense of safety for both riders and drivers, promote good behaviour, and remind customers of the importance of validating their fares. Customers were asked to provide feedback on the initiatives during their trips.
In total, 310 trips were evaluated during this test period, with 80 customers participating in the project.
Based on the data we collected, we now know that the presence of safety ambassadors, operations supervisors, and special constables at bus stops helps make customers feel safe, and that the information provided by operations supervisors (such as schedule delays and the next bus departures) plays an important role and helps reassure customers while they wait for the bus.
We’ll continue analyzing the data in 2025, so you may see some of these initiatives implemented on other bus routes. Stay tuned!
Cleanliness in the network
We monitor the cleanliness of buses, métros and paratransit on an ongoing basis. Every day, we ask My voice my STM panelists to share their opinions on the cleanliness of our facilities and vehicles. This feedback allows us to better target problem areas and quickly implement solutions to make the environment more pleasant. We look forward to keeping up this work.
Facing a decline in customer satisfaction regarding métro cleanliness, the STM wanted to better understand the situation and deploy additional or targeted cleaning measures in stations where cleanliness is a serious issue.
More than 4,250 customers participated in surveys in August 2024, evaluating the cleanliness of the stations they visit most often, sharing their perceptions, and reporting any issues they encountered. The study assessed all 68 métro stations.
Our teams are working to develop specific action plans for each station.
Employee interactions
In an effort to improve the customer experience at the turnstile area, the STM wanted to gain a better understanding of the frustrations customers face at the start and end of their trips, both during regular service and service disruptions.
To gather this data, a web survey was sent to métro customers through the MVMSTM panel, and 850 respondents completed it.
The good news is that the vast majority of customers don’t experience problems at the turnstiles during service disruptions. However, the survey results helped us identify the top frustrations and rank them based on frequency. Four main priorities were outlined: people not paying, the environment, wait times, and quality of service.
Customer feedback on these issues was instrumental in shaping recommendations and identifying areas for improvement. These insights will guide our teams as they create a plan and define actions to be implemented by 2025 to enhance the turnstile experience for everyone.
You may have noticed that in recent months, STM employees have started wearing yellow vests to make themselves more visible in the métro, sending out a clear message that our staff are here to help.
The vests make it easier for customers to identify employees who can assist them and answer their questions.
The yellow vests are only temporary. In July, nearly 700 MVMSTM panelists responded to a survey to rate various messages and designs for future vests. In their answers, they confirmed that it’s important to improve employee visibility and that the vests meet the need of reassuring customers. Thanks to the feedback and suggestions received, the STM is on track to roll out the new vests in 2025.
With your help, the STM was able to do much more than what we’ve described above.
Throughout 2024, several other studies were conducted to make public transit even more accessible and attractive in Montréal.
We value your feedback. Together, we can help the STM to keep on being a leader in sustainable mobility.
My voice my STM is a research and survey panel made up of STM bus and métro network customers who volunteered to share their opinions on a number of subjects pertaining to public transportation in the Montréal area.
STM customers of the bus and métro network who register as members of the panel are given the opportunity to share their experiences and opinions about different aspects of public transportation and thereby help to improve STM services and shape the future of public transit. By becoming a member of the My voice my STM panel and answering surveys, customers can also win prizes.
Simply click on « Sign up », then fill out the online registration form, where you will be asked to provide information about your STM customer profile. After, you will receive an email to validate your registration.
The My voice my STM panel is open to all customers who ride STM public transit and who agree to answer surveys. Such customers must have an email address.
You will be invited to answer surveys once or twice a month, depending on your customer profile and STM needs.
Survey subjects are always about public transportation and the STM. For example, your level of satisfaction with bus and métro service, your opinion about the latest promotional campaign, your universal accessibility needs or your reaction to a new service the STM is planning on providing to STM bus and métro services.
You can take part in My voice my STM as long as you like and you can also quit at any time by simply clicking on the “Cancel your subscription” link found at the bottom of any of our email communications.
Any information you give to the STM will be kept strictly confidential. To find out more, consult our Terms of Use.
Each survey is different but, on average, it should take you about 5 minutes.
The surveys will usually be available for five open days, depending on the situation.
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If you have checked your Junk Mail folder and have not been able to find a copy of your Confirmation email, please contact us at this address:
You can click on the “Cancel your subscription” link found at the bottom of any of our email communications, and follow the instructions on screen to complete the process. Once you have completed this action, you will be immediately removed from the panel.
You can contact the My voice my STM team by writing to:
Please specify your question or comment in detail, so we can understand the issue and find a solution. For example, please include:
- A copy of any error messages
- A copy of the question you have trouble with
- A description of the problem you have with the question
- The browser you are using (ex. Chrome, Firefox, Edge, etc.)
- If your answer to a question is not accepted, please include the exact answer you are trying to enter