Free 65+

Free 65+

Since July 1, trips are now free for customers aged 65 and over who:

  • Are residents of the agglomeration of Montréal
  • Live in Zone A: agglomeration of Montréal
  • Travel by bus, métro, commuter train, collective taxi, river shuttles, REM or paratransit.

Get your fare now :

Residents of the agglomeration of Montréal who are 65 and over can get the Free 65+ All Modes A fare now. 

Come see us outside of morning and evening rush hours to avoid waiting in line.

How to get the Free 65+ All Modes A fare:

1- To load the Free 65+ All Modes A fare onto your photo OPUS card, bring it to:

2- Make sure you have a valid proof of residency for the agglomeration of Montréal:

Driver's licence; Accès Montréal card; municipal or school tax account statement; federal or provincial tax assessment; any other official government document; phone, electricity, cable or internet bill; document issued by a banking institution or of a governmental nature; car or home insurance policy; Transport adapté acceptance letter; identity and residence certificate issued by the city.

Texte important

Proof of residency: except for driver’s licences, all documents must be dated within the last year.

If your photo OPUS card expires soon (in less than 24 months), you have two options:

  • Immediately renew your card for $15 and get a fare valid for two years.


  • Add the Free 65+ All Modes A fare for the remaining months until the expiration date of your photo OPUS card. Then, you must renew your card when it expires and get another Free 65+ All Modes A fare.

1- Fill out the Photo OPUS card application form and go to one of the following locations: 

  • Métro station in Zone A
  • Fairview Pointe-Claire terminus
  • Metropolitan ticket office  in Zone A
  • STM photo studio (by appointment only)

2- Make sure you have a valid proof of residency for the agglomeration of Montréal: 

Driver's licence; Accès Montréal card; municipal or school tax account statement; federal or provincial tax assessment; any other official government document; phone, electricity, cable or internet bill; document issued by a banking institution or of a governmental nature; car or home insurance policy; Transport adapté acceptance letter; identity and residence certificate issued by the city.

Texte important

Proof of residency: except for driver’s licences, all documents must be dated within the last year.

A photo OPUS card is $15, and it must be renewed every seven years.

No action is required if you use paratransit exclusively.

When booking your trips in Zone A, the information in your customer file (age and place of residence) will be used to validate your eligibility for free travel.

You must show your Transport adapté ID OPUS card every time you use our paratransit service.

Are you a Transport adapté customer who would like to travel by métro, bus, commuter train and the REM (once it is in service) for free?

You must load the Free 65+ All Modes A fare onto your photo OPUS card:

  • With a station agent in a Montréal métro station
  • At the STM Fairview Pointe-Claire terminus
  • In a metropolitan ticket office in Zone A
Texte important

A photo OPUS card is $15, and it must be renewed every seven years.

If you are an OPUS à l’année subscriber, your subscription will be cancelled automatically on June 30.

Frequently asked questions

How the free fare works

  • Must be 65 and over
  • Be a resident of the agglomeration of Montréal (proof required)
  • Hold/obtain a photo OPUS card

However, people over 65 who are not residents of the agglomeration of Montréal can receive discounts for their trips by using the applicable All Modes A reduced fare for ages 65 and over.

The fare is valid for all trips made in Zone A (agglomeration of Montréal) by métro, bus, train, the REM (once it is in service) and paratransit.

Trips between Zone A and Zone B (Laval and agglomeration of Longueuil) requires an All Modes AB fare.

This fare is also valid for trips made by collective taxi and river shuttles, in zone A.

Public transit fare zones

The Free 65+ All Modes A fare is available as of April 19, 2023, but it will only be valid on July 1, 2023. As of July 1, you will be able to travel for free in Zone A by bus, métro, train, paratransit and the REM*.

(*once it is in service)

The photo OPUS card is used to prove that you are entitled to a reduced fare by showing that you are a resident of the agglomeration of Montréal and that you are 65 and over.

With the fare on your OPUS card, you can validate your trips by yourself on the various fare equipment in Zone A.

If you are stopped by an inspector, you must have a Free 65+ All Modes A fare loaded onto your photo OPUS card.

Proof of residency will be required every time you need to load the Free 65+ All Modes A fare onto your photo OPUS card or renew it.

Proof of residency will also be required if your photo OPUS card needs to be reconstituted (if lost or defective).

The fare is good for 24 months* (varies depending on the expiry date of your OPUS card).

If your photo OPUS card is about to expire, you must show a proof of residency to renew your card and load it with the Free 65+ All Modes A fare and continue to ride for free in Zone A (agglomeration of Montréal).


Subscribers are responsible for cancelling their subscription and obtaining a photo ID OPUS card, to download the new Free 65+, All Modes A fare.

Yes. If the card is still valid, you can use the same card.

Fares and trips

No, authorized retailers (businesses such as pharmacies, convenience stores) do not have this mandate.

The Free 65+ All Modes A fare is only available:

Yes. And you can also get these fares on an Occasional card.

Yes. Customers age 65 and over who use the Free 65+ fare have a photo OPUS cards with a valid fare.


See the exchange and refund conditions. The ARTM fare refund and exchange policy (in French only) applies.

Transport adapté

Yes. The procedure is the same as for customers using the train, bus and métro network.

There are no changes since your companion is mandatory.

Yes. The paratransit customer’s optional travel companion is also eligible for the Free 65+ fare, but they must present a photo OPUS card for 65 and over, loaded of the Free 65+, All modes A fare.

Not a resident of the agglomeration of Montréal?

If you are not a resident of the agglomeration of Montréal and you are 65 and over, you can purchase the applicable All Modes A reduced fare for ages 65 and over.

Eligibility criteria 

  • Must be 65 and over
  • Have an OPUS card with photo

Cost of photo OPUS card

  • $15

Visit OPUS reduced fare for 65 years and over to obtain a photo OPUS card or to find out which fares are available at the reduced rate.

Can't get around?
Print this proxy form to be represented for certain services related to your OPUS card.

Texte important

Older Adults and Transit Survey
How is the transportation system working for you? A team of researchers affiliated with the Mobilizing Justice Partnership are surveying residents of the island of Montreal aged 50 and older about your transportation issues. The survey takes about 8 minutes and there is a chance to win one of several $100 gift cards. Check it out here.

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