Planning trips more easily
New Planibus schedules available as of March 24
Montreal, 20 March 2003 The STM would like to inform its customers that the new Planibus schedules for the regular lines in its bus system will be available as of Monday, March 24, 2003. The schedules will be effective from March 31 to June 15, 2003.
These new Planibus schedules will be available aboard the buses from March 24 to April 4. Customers will also be able to pick them up at métro ticket booths and at the Customer Service Centre on the mezzanine level of the Berri-UQAM métro station. As well, the Planibus schedules are accessible at any time on the STMs web site ( and can be printed directly from the site. The site also contains a great deal of other useful customer information.
To better plan their trips, clients are invited to call the TELBUS number appearing on the panel at their bus stop. The complete list of TELBUS numbers is also available on the web site. For information on routes, customers can call A-U-T-O-B-U-S (288-6287).