Sherbrooke (Mario Merola)

Mario Merola

Horizons (1971)

Location: mezzanine

This circular mural by Mario Merola, in orange porphyry, embellishes the exit leading to the Place du Cercle tower. This material was formerly used to highlight the platform edges and warn travellers not to stand too close.

Did you know?

Mario Merola was one of the leading figures challenging the domination of figurative art in the Montréal métro in the late 1960s.

About the artist

Born in Montréal in 1931, Mario Merola is a versatile artist best known for his works integrated into public buildings. He stands out for the great diversity of his work, evolving and changing over time while still remaining true to his own artistic language.

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Sherbrooke (Mario Merola)   Sherbrooke (Mario Merola)   Sherbrooke (Mario Merola)   Sherbrooke (Mario Merola)

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