Explore Montréal aboard public transit
Explore or rediscover Montréal aboard the bus and métro. Visiting the city or welcoming a tourist? Get inspired by our discovery tours!
A fare card for your stay
One of the following fare cards will likely be perfect for your stay. Explore Montréal aboard one of its 220 bus lines or stroll through the area around one of its 68 métro stations!
747 YUL Montreal-Trudeau Airport/ Downtown
The 747 shuttle provides bus service 24 hours a day, seven days a week, between Montréal-Trudeau Airport and downtown. Two route options are available to you from the airport.
1. Destination Centre-Ville (Downtown)
2. Destination Lionel-Groulx Métro station
The 747 information booth and vending machines to buy your transit fare are located on the airport’s international arrivals level.
Which transit fare to choose?
Use the Fare selector on the Autorité régionale des transports métropolitains (ARTM) website.
Free transportation for kids
Free travel for children is in effect at all times and allows up to five children aged 11 and under to ride public transit for free when accompanied by a person aged 14 or older who is supervising them. Learn more about the Family Outings program.
Main tourist destinations
The bus and métro are still your best options to get to the main landmarks. Review the list below to find out more, or use the trip calculator in the Getting around section to learn which bus and/or métro lines to take to reach your destination.
Old port of Montreal Champ-de-Mars
Quartier des spectacles Place-des-Arts, Saint-Laurent, Berri-UQAM
Casino de Montréal Jean-Drapeau
Espace pour la vie - BiodômeViau
Espace pour la vie - Insectarium Viau
Espace pour la vie - Botanical Garden Pie-IX
Espace pour la vie - Planétarium Viau
Place des Festivals Place-des-arts
Jean-Doré Beach Jean-Drapeau
Saint-Joseph Oratory Snowdon, Côte-des-Neiges
51 · 711
Jean-Talon Market Jean-Talon
Vieux-Montréal Place-d’Armes, Champ-de-Mars
Parc olympique de Montréal Pie-IX, Viau
Parc Jean-Drapeau Jean-Drapeau
Parc du Mont-Royal Mont-Royal, Snowdon
11 · 711
Musée des beaux-arts de Montréal Guy-Concordia
Musée d’art contemporain Place-des-Arts
Musée McCord McGill
La Ronde Jean-Drapeau
767, 769
Quartier chinois Saint-Laurent, Place-d’Armes