My voice my STM : privacy policy

Privacy Policy and Terms of Use: My voice my STM

Confidentiality and security of personal information

The STM is strongly committed to protecting personal information. To that end, it makes use of all reasonable safeguards to ensure the privacy of information collected by and exchanged with panel members.

Protection of personal information

(Information subject to the Act respecting the Protection of personal information in the private sector, L.R.Q. c. A-2.1)

The personal information collected from panel members is necessary in order to draw conclusions with regards to groups of customers served by STM.

In any event, all personal data is decoupled from answers provided by panelists; only those depersonalized and anonymous answers are used for research purposes. With the exception of personal information, STM reserves the right to cross-reference answers taken from different surveys, for the purpose of research.

Please note that, as part of managing the My voice my STM panel, only the following categories of people will have access to any personal information collected:

  • My voice my STM administrators at SOM (STM’s designated representative for the execution of the contract pertaining to the panel).
  • The employees in the strategic marketing and client experience division.

Signing up to become a My voice my STM panel member (and providing personal information inherent to that registration) is on a voluntary basis. Panel members may unsubscribe at any time.

Any person having provided personal information to become a member of the My voice my STM panel has the right to review the personal information kept on record, obtain a copy of it or request that inaccurate, incomplete, ambiguous or illegally collected information be amended by submitting a request in writing to the person in charge of access to information at the STM and providing proof of identity at:

STM a/s Responsable de l’accès à l’information et de la protection des renseignements personnels, 800, rue de la Gauchetière Ouest, Montréal (Québec) H5A 1J6. 2

Compliance with Canada’s Anti-Spam Law

By becoming a My voice my STM panel member, panelists specifically agree to receive surveys and/or communications from My voice my STM. Members can unsubscribe at any time by using the unsubscribe button « To cancel your subscription, click here » at the bottom of all emails.


The STM is in no way liable for any damages resulting from the use of its website, of the information it contains, or from using the My voice my STM website.

Trademarks and copyrights

Page contents, images, logos, as well as any other trademark or intellectual property included in the pages of the My voice my STM website remain the STM’s exclusive property. Any use or reproduction must be expressly authorized by the STM.

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