Yvon Proulx
Dessins suspendus (2009)
Stainless steel
Programme d’intégration des arts à l’architecture du gouvernement du Québec
Location: east entrance
Three airy, rosette-shaped sculptures cast a tracery of shadows onto the ceiling, floating like water lilies on a calm pond. The shapes draw on natural forms, suggesting clouds, plant life, or large, open hands.
Did you know?
The work was inspired by the location of Cartier station, near a former wetland surrounding a river inlet.
About the artist
Born in Saint-Georges-de-Windsor in 1954, Yvon Proulx has been creating public works of art since the late 1980s. By trade a set designer, decorator, and props master for the theatre, he also works on ephemeral site-specific art, chiefly in rural areas.