STM Transit Information
New Bus Schedules Available as of December 27
Montreal, December 23, 2002 The Société de transport de Montréal (STM) invites all transit users to get their new Planibus schedules, in order to facilitate their trips. They will be available aboard buses from December 27 to 30, 2002, and again between January 3 and 10, 2003, as well as in métro stations and the Customer Service Centre, at Berri-UQAM station, mezzanine level, while stocks last. The timetables contained in the Planibus are in effect from January 6 to March 30, 2003.
Planibus schedules in PDF format are available at all times on the STMs website (, and transit users can print out as many copies as they wish. The TELBUS numbers for bus stops featured in Planibus schedules are also listed, as well as a complete list of all TELBUS numbers. These telephone numbers appear on bus stop panels and, by calling them, transit users can find out at what time the next buses will go by that stop. For specific trip information, A-U-T-O-B-U-S (288-6287) is the number to call!