Breaking news for the last 12 months

Amendments to by-law R-036 on safety and conduct : STM puts focus on customer travel experience

Amendments to by-law R-036 on safety and conduct : STM puts focus on customer travel experience

In an effort to improve the customer experience, the Board of Directors of the Société de transport de Montréal (STM) is recommending that the Montréal agglomeration council approve proposed amendments to by law R 036 on the standards of safety and conduct to be observed by persons in the rolling stock and buildings operated by or on behalf of the STM.

Press release

The Société de transport de Montréal (STM) Welcomes Multi-Year Financial Support for Public Transit

The Société de transport de Montréal (STM) welcomes the provincial government's announcement of multi-year financial assistance for public transit in its recent economic update. This is a significant step toward establishing a predictable financial framework that ensures the continuation of public transit services and allows for operational optimizations. Equally important is securing financial predictability for asset maintenance to guarantee the sustainability and reliability of infrastructure—and, by extension, the services they support.

Press release
STM 2025 Budget and 2025–2034 Capital Expenditure Program: Same level of service and growing needs in asset maintenance

STM 2025 Budget and 2025–2034 Capital Expenditure Program: Same level of service and growing needs in asset maintenance

The Société de transport de Montréal (STM) is releasing its 2025 budget, which totals $1.8 billion. Thanks to the efforts of its partners, the STM is able to present a balanced budget and confirm that the current level of service will be maintained in 2025. The 2025–2034 capital expenditure program, also released today, details investment needs of $25.8 billion, with $10.7 billion earmarked for métro asset maintenance so that the STM can continue to offer safe, reliable services and extend the lifespan of its infrastructure and equipment, especially in the métro network.

Press release

STM Acknowledges Ministère des Transports et de la Mobilité Durable’s Performance Audits Report

The Société de Transports de Montréal (STM) welcomes the publication of the Ministère des Transports et de la Mobilité Durable’s performance audits report. Although the exercise of comparing different transit agencies across Quebec has several limitations, as recognized by the auditors, the STM appreciates the collaborative work that identified interesting optimization avenues, in addition to those already proposed by the STM.

Press release
Fabre and D'Iberville stations to reopen today at 10 am

Fabre and D'Iberville stations to reopen today at 10 am

The Société de transport de Montréal (STM) announces the reopening of Fabre and D’Iberville stations on Wednesday, October 9 at 10 am. However, Saint-Michel station will remain closed until further notice.

Press release
L'îlot Rosemont à son plein potentiel (in French only)

L'îlot Rosemont à son plein potentiel (in French only)

La Société de transport de Montréal annonce la réouverture du terminus de bus de la station Rosemont. Cette réouverture termine le projet unique et à caractère social de l'îlot Rosemont, qui permet de valoriser cette station de métro.  

STM announces new reserved lanes for 2024

STM announces new reserved lanes for 2024

The Société de transport de Montréal (STM) is confirming the introduction of new reserved lanes for 2024 following their recent approval by the Executive Committee of the City of Montréal.

Press release
Crémazie Building LEED Gold Certified

Crémazie Building LEED Gold Certified

The Société de transport de Montréal (STM) is proud to announce that its new Crémazie building, located at the corner of Crémazie and Saint-Laurent, has received the Canada Green Building Council’s Gold LEED certification for new buildings (LEED NC).

Major milestone for blue line extension: Contract awarded for train control system

Major milestone for blue line extension: Contract awarded for train control system

The Blue line extension project office awarded the contract for the line’s new train control system. The adoption of a communications-based train control (CBTC) system, which is already used by the vast majority of subway network operators around the world, is an opportunity to modernize the Montréal métro’s train control system for the entire Blue line.

Press release
Budget 2024: STM confirms announced spending reductions

Budget 2024: STM confirms announced spending reductions

The Société de transport de Montréal (STM) confirmed today that it has made and implemented the spending reductions announced to cover $36 million of the $46 million risk to be recovered in its 2024 operating budget. Having already identified a number of ways to optimize spending, the STM is now confirming reductions in payroll and goods and services expenditures, all while maintaining its service offer.

Press release
D’Iberville becomes métro network’s 27th accessible station

D’Iberville becomes métro network’s 27th accessible station

The Société de transport de Montréal (STM) has commissioned three new elevators at D’Iberville station, making it the 27th accessible station in the métro network. The addition of elevators will benefit customers with functional limitations as well as families with young children, elderly people and those travelling with luggage.

Press release