Attending board meetings

2024 schedule

Texte important

The public meetings are opened to public.

You are now invited to come back in person to ask your questions at the public meetings of the STM’s Board of Directors.

As usual, it will also be possible to attend by webcast and send your questions electronically.

No meeting in January and August 2024

Wednesday, February 7, 2024
Agenda - February 7, 2024

Wednesday, March 13, 2024
Agenda - March 13, 2024

Wednesday, April 3, 2024
Agenda - April 3, 2024

Wednesday, May 1, 2024
Agenda - May 1, 2024

Wednesday, June 5, 2024
Agenda - June 5, 2024

Wednesday, July 3, 2024
Agenda - July 3, 2024

Wednesday, September 4, 2024

Wednesday, October 2, 2024

Wednesday, November 6, 2024

Wednesday, December 4, 2024


No meeting in January 2025

Wednesday, February 5, 2025

Meetings begin at 5:30 p.m.

Anyone wishing to ask a question
of the board must register 15 minutes before the meeting starts.

Meetings are held at the STM head office:

Société de transport de Montréal
800 De La Gauchetière Street West
Place Bonaventure, North-East entrance
8th floor, Suite 8200, Montréal

Corner of De La Gauchetière and Robert-Bourassa Streets

Bonaventure métro station
Bus routes:
35 - Griffintown, 36- Monk, 61 - Wellington, 74 - Bridge, 75 - De la Commune, 168 - Cité-du-Havre, 420 - Express Notre-Dame-de-Grâce, 777 - Jean-Drapeau / Casino / Bonaventure, 872 South - Île-des-Soeurs, 874 - Robert-Bourassa

  • From the platform of Bonaventure métro station, take the elevator to the "Billetterie" level.
  • Turn right and take the elevator leading to "Terminus centre-ville - Quai centre et sud".
  • Once you are on the platform, take the elevator leading to "rue de la Gauchetière".
  • Once you are in the Atrium of 1000, de la Gauchetière, turn left to get out on de la Gauchetière Street.
  • Once on the street, go to your right on de la Gauchetière Street, toward Place Bonaventure.
  • Use the access ramp to enter Place Bonaventure.
  • Go to the North-East gate.
  • Take the elevator to the 8th floor.
  • The Board meeting will be held in room 8200.

Question period

During each board meeting, a period is set aside for people wishing to ask questions of board members. Question period is held at the start of the meeting and lasts about one hour, unless the board decides to extend it.

Speak to the board secretary fifteen minutes before the meeting begins. You will find that person near the entrance to the room.

You must provide the following information:

  • Your name and address
  • The subject of your question and the name of the organization you represent, if applicable

To submit a question, click the button available on this page between noon and 3:00 p.m. on the days of board meetings:

Submit a question for today’s board meeting

Important: You cannot submit questions outside of the submission period. However, you may contact our customer service centre at any time.

How it works:

  • After taking note of the subjects of the questions submitted electronically, the corporate secretary may group them by subject or submit them for individual reading.
  • A question may be answered by the chair or by a member, who may also direct it to another STM representative.
  • Questions may be answered during the meeting in progress or transmitted to a branch or department that will follow up on it at the request of the chair or a member of the Board.
  • Priority will be given to questions asked in person at the meeting.
  • Questions asked electronically are subject to the same eligibility criteria as questions asked in person at the meeting. For example, abusive comments will not be tolerated. Note: The criteria are listed in the “A few basic rules” section just below.
  • The question period is held at the start of each meeting and ends one hour later or when there are no questions left.
  • If time runs out, the corporate secretary will contact the persons whose questions were not addressed and give them the choice to either ask their question at the next board meeting or direct it to customer service.
  • Speak directly to the chair
  • Begin by stating your name and the name of the organization you represent, if applicable.
  • You may ask just one question until all others present have had a chance to ask their questions
  • The chair will allow you to follow up with a maximum of two related questions
  • You must limit your questions to the subject you gave to the board secretary when registering
  • The chair of the board announces the beginning of question period
  • The chair grants the right to speak to each person in the order in which their name appears on the list
  • The chair ensures that the question period does not lead to a debate, either among board members or between a board member and another person
  • The chair may withdraw the right to speak from any person who does not respect the rules of the board or the rules that generally apply to such meetings

To ensure the smooth running of the meeting, a few basic rules must be followed:  

  • Questions must refer to subjects of public interest that fall within the purview of the Société de transport de Montréal, its board of directors, or its chief executive officer.
  • One may not ask questions that:
    • are preceded by long, pointless introductions
    • contain hypotheses, opinions, deductions, suggestions, or accusations
    • concern matters pending before a court or under investigation
    • that contain abusive language
Texte important

With a 48-hour notice to, the STM offers the services of a American Sign Language Interpreter (ASL).

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