(Minimum: one hour)
This English translation is provided as a courtesy and has no legal value.
ARTICLE 1 General Secretariat and Legal Affairs
Adoption of the agenda of this meeting of the Board of Directors of the Société
ARTICLE 2 General Secretariat and Legal Affairs
Approval of the minutes of the meetings of the Board of Directors held November 4, 2015
3.1 Métro Service
Contract awarded to MICHELIN AMÉRIQUE DU NORD (CANADA) INC. to supply rubber tires for métro cars (STM 5064-05-15-54)
Total cost: $ 4,224,302.86 including all taxes
3.2 Métro Service
Exercising the option to renew the contracts with MERSEN CANADA DN LTÉE / LTD and MORGAN ADVANCED MATERIALS CANADA INC. to supply motor brushes and wear bands (STM 4660-10-13-56)
Total cost: $ 513,594.64 including all taxes
3.3 Bus Services
Increasing the budget in the contract awarded to CUMMINS EST DU CANADA S.E.C. to supply replacement parts and products for bus engines (STM 3165-01-06-20)
Total cost: $ 4,044,927.62 including all taxes
3.4 Human Resources and Shared Services
Exercising the option to renew the contracts awarded to PEDLEX LTÉE and TENAQUIP LTÉE to supply storage and filing systems (STM 4265-05-12-56)
Total cost: $ 900,412.86 including all taxes
3.5 Bus Services
Exercising the renewal options in the contract awarded to NOVA BUS, A DIVISION OF VOLVO GROUP CANADA INC. to acquire 40’ diesel-electric hybrid buses (STM 3722-10-09-39)
Total cost: $ 223,561,617.96 including all taxes
3.6 Bus Services
Accepting the mandate by the Réseau de transport de la Capitale to acquire additional diesel-electric hybrid buses (STM 3722-10-09-39)
4.1 Human Resources and Shared Services
Exercising the option to renew the contract awarded to BELL CANADA to acquire wire-based telephone services and mileage charges (STM-4187-01-12-68)
Total cost: $ 2,295,775.04 including all taxes
4.2 Customer Experience and Commercial Activity
Services contract awarded to DESCHAMPS IMPRESSION INC. for printing Planibus timetables (STM-5026-03-15-25)
Total cost: $ 911,800.49 including all taxes
4.3 Engineering, Infrastructure and Major Projects
Exercising the option to renew the services contracts awarded to BFI CANADA INC. (VISION ENVIRON PROGRESSIVE), SERVICES MATREC INC. and KELLY SANI-VAC INC. for the disposal and elimination of non-reclaimable matter, for the reclamation of residual waste materials and the elimination of residues (STM 4543-05-13-60)
Total cost: $ 511,960.77 including all taxes
4.4 General Secretariat and Legal Affairs
Exercising the option to renew the services contract awarded to LE JOURNAL DE MONTRÉAL for issuing public notices for the STM (STM-4160-11-11-68)
Total cost: $ 90,000.01 including all taxes
4.5 Planning, Finance and Control
Contract awarded to LA CAPITALE ASSURANCES ET GESTION DU PATRIMOINE to underwrite health insurance and life insurance group plans - Syndicat des chauffeurs et als., Syndicat des travailleuses et travailleurs de la STM - CSN et Fraternité des constables et agents de la paix de la STM - CSN (covering STM drivers et als., maintenance workers, constables and inspectors) (STM-5134-08-15-10)
Total cost: $ 38,994,804.00 including all taxes
4.6 Human Resources and Shared Services
Contract awarded to SSQ, GROUPE FINANCIER to underwrite group plans for health, life, dental and disability insurance for STM maintenance employees affiliated to the CSN (STM-5133-08-15-10)
Total cost: $ 35,443,440.00 including all taxes
4.7 Human Resources and Shared Services
Services contract awarded to ABOVE SECURITY INC. for monitoring security events and controlling data integrity in the Fare sales and collection’s technical environment (STM-5094-06-15-68)
Total cost: $ 495,542.25 including all taxes
4.8 Human Resources and Shared Services
Contract awarded to SAP CANADA INC. to provide support and maintenance for the SAP software package for 2016 (STM-5151-09-15-68)
Total cost: $ 2,289,071.21 including all taxes
4.9 Human Resources and Shared Services
Contract awarded to CORPORATION DE L’ÉCOLE POLYTECHNIQUE DE MONTRÉAL to provide support, maintenance and training for trip calculating software (STM-5152-09-15-68)
Total cost: $ 470,163.77 including all taxes
4.10 Human Resources and Shared Services
Contract awarded to IMMODESIGN 3D INC. for interior design services and a design project manager (STM-5141-09-15-02)
Total cost: $ 386,091.80 including all taxes
4.11 Engineering, Infrastructure and Major Projects
Contract awarded to S.S.P. TELECOM INC. for a service agreement for an operations telephony system (STM-5137-08-15-40)
Total cost: $ 1,093,648.12 including all taxes
4.12 Human Resources and Shared Services
Increasing the budget in the contract with CENTRE DE SERVICES PARTAGÉS DU QUÉBEC (CSPQ) to acquire mobile services (STM-4181-01-12-68)
Total cost: $ 373,691.75 including all taxes
5.1 Human Resources and Shared Services
Contract awarded to AON HEWITT for professional services to develop and conduct a study on the level of engagement of STM employees (STM-4799-05-14-25)
Total cost: $ 553,582.99 including all taxes
6.1 Engineering, Infrastructure and Major Projects
Contract awarded to AXE CONSTRUCTION INC. to refit an existing laboratory as part of the project to upgrade and modify the Youville major repairs shop (STM-5117-07-15-31)
Total cost: $ 243,976.95 including all taxes
Nothing filed under this section
8.1 Engineering, Infrastructure and Major Projects
Authorizing the acquisition of two (2) parcels of land from BIBLIOTHÈQUE ET ARCHIVES NATIONALES DU QUÉBEC for the Savoie rectifier station (STM-11 01 69-A02)
Total cost: $ 881,506.43 including all taxes
8.2 Engineering, Infrastructure and Major Projects
Contract awarded to LES INSTALLATIONS ÉLECTRIQUES PICHETTE INC. for work on controlled access to and video-surveillance of control rooms housing optical display screens, power distribution substations and automatic fare vending machines (STM-9 290 350-C07)
Total cost: $ 1,946,075.17 including all taxes
8.3 Engineering, Infrastructure and Major Projects
Exercising the option in the contract awarded to GROUPE SCV INC. to supply fans for mechanical ventilation stations (STM-9 290 330-A08)
Total cost: $ 462,665.15 including all taxes
9.1 Engineering, Infrastructure and Major Projects
Contract awarded to LE GROUPE CENTCO INC. for construction work on centrally relocating compressors at Plateau Youville (STM-5142-09-15-67)
Total cost: $ 412,760.25 including all taxes
9.2 Engineering, Infrastructure and Major Projects
Contract awarded to MGB ASSOCIÉS INC. for construction work to refurbish Crémazie station (STM-5037-04-15-83)
Total cost: $ 7,466,476.44 including all taxes
10.1 Engineering, Infrastructure and Major Projects with Planning, Finance and Control
Approval for by-law R-160 authorizing financing for the program to refurbish refueling equipment and for waste oils
10.2 Planning, Finance and Control
Approval for by-laws authorizing the reduction of authorized amounts, the transfer of surplus funds to the « disposable balance from closed loan by-laws » and the closing of loan by-laws R-048-1, R-071-1 and 093-1
10.3 Planning, Finance and Control
Approval for by-laws authorizing the reduction of authorized amounts and the closing of loan by-laws R-012, CA-109-1, CA-109, R-021, CA-52-3, CA-52-2, CA-52-1, CA-52, R-045
10.4 Planning, Finance and Control
Approval for by-laws authorizing the reduction of authorized amounts and the closing of loan by-laws R-047-1, R-047, R-056, R-077-1, R-077, R-110 and R-111
10.5 Planning, Finance and Control
Approval for by-laws authorizing amendments to the nature of by-laws, the reduction of authorized amounts and the closing of loan by-laws R-060-2, R-125-1
10.6 Planning, Finance and Control
Approval for by-law R-161 allowing for the use of sums from the disposable balance from closed loan by-laws
10.7 Planning, Finance and Control
Approval for by-laws R-065-1, R-069-1, R-070-1, R-075-1, R-080-2 and R-082-1 allowing for the use of sums from the disposable balance from closed loan by-laws
10.8 Planning, Finance and Control
Approval for by-laws R-084-1, R-085-1, R-088-1, R-094-1, R-095-1 allowing for the use of sums from the disposable balance from closed loan by-laws
10.9 Planning, Finance and Control
Approval for by-laws R-102-1, R-107-1, R-115-1 et R-123-1 allowing for the use of sums from the disposable balance from closed loan by-laws
11.1 Planning, Finance and Control
Modifying the route taken by the 353 – Maurice-Duplessis – Lacordaire, 125 – Ontario and 34 – Sainte-Catherine bus lines (DEV2015-08)
12.1 Customer Experience and Commercial Activity
Authorizing a partnership agreement with BIXI MONTRÉAL and COMMUNAUTO for the 2016 – 2017 season
Total cost: $ 89,910.00 including all taxes
12.2 Planning, Finance and Control
Authorizing a partnership agreement with the organizing committee for the JEUX DU QUÉBEC 2016 finals
Total cost: $ 332,189.22 including all taxes
12.3 Customer Experience and Commercial Activity
Authorization to grant discounts as part of the Passeport Mobilité program
12.4 Customer Experience and Commercial Activity
Amending the agreement with UITP and AMT for holding the UITP 62nd World Congress and Exhibition
12.5 Engineering, Infrastructure and Major Projects
Authorizing a lease agreement with PLACE DUPUIS COMMERCIAL TRUST for office space (STM-5147-09-15-36)
Total cost: $ 6,414,816.71 including all taxes
12.6 Engineering, Infrastructure and Major Projects
Amending the lease with COMPLEXE PLACE CRÉMAZIE S.E.C. (STM-5148-09-15-36)
Total cost: $ 173,857.58 including all taxes
12.7 Human Resources and Shared Services
Amending the lease with GESTION IMMEUBLE PLACE BONAVENTURE INC. and authorizing a budget allowance for occupancy-related expenses (STM-5150-09-15-48)
Total cost: $ 2,077,647.96 including all taxes
13.1 Office of Auditor General
Adopting the bid weighting and evaluation system for professional services to audit the consolidated financial statements for the STM, its subsidiary Transgesco s.e.c., and execute other special assignments (STM-5139-09-15-60)
13.2 Engineering, Infrastructure and Major Projects
Adopting the bid weighting and evaluation system for professional services in materials characterization, specifications and work supervision (STM-5178-10-15-64)
13.3 Engineering, Infrastructure and Major Projects
Adopting the bid weighting and evaluation system for professional services to coordinate and deliver on signage programs (STM-5184-10-15-64)
13.4 Engineering, Infrastructure and Major Projects
Adopting the bid weighting and evaluation system for professional services to design sound suppressors and provide other services in acoustics (STM-9 290 402-S55)
13.5 Engineering, Infrastructure and Major Projects
Adopting the bid weighting and evaluation system for professional services to perform pre-inspections and post-inspections on buildings and infrastructure, follow-ups on vibrations during construction work and other related services (STM-9 290 402-S56)
13.6 Human Resources and Shared Services
Adopting the bid weighting and evaluation system for professional services to integrate an SAP solution for managing supply and production processes (STM-5188-11-15-40)
14.1 General Secretariat and Legal Affairs
Adopting the schedule of public meetings of the board of directors of the Société de transport de Montréal for 2016
14.2 Human Resources and Shared Services
Selecting the limit per injury for 2016 CSST contributions
Total cost: $ 357,800.00 including all taxes
14.3 Human Resources and Shared Services
Authorizing the donation of cleaning solutions to SERVICES D’ENTRETIEN PRO-PRÊT INC. and MOISSON MONTRÉAL INC. (STM-5177-10-15-41)