Good news : for a second year, the Montréal métro will be open all-night long on New Year's Eve.
Striving to let transit users take full advantage of festivities marking the start of the New Year, STM is pleased to announce that for a second straight year, the Montréal métro will stay open all night on December 31 and be open to anyone with a valid fare card.
While countless Montrealers celebrate all over the city, including at the Old Port and Old Montreal for the New Year’s Eve party organized as part of Montréal’s 375th anniversary celebrations, STM invites revelers to choose the bus and métro to get around. With 4000 designated drivers at their disposal, people can enjoy an efficient and reliable means of transportation to reach their destination safely during the all-night festivities.
Transport adapté will also be on hand, also making it possible for paratransit users to get around that night, as per the usual terms of service.
An exceptional measure
STM reminds that the métro only rarely runs all night, because those few hours of shutdown each night are essential to carry out maintenance work in some fifty locations in both stations and tunnels.