Musicians in the métro – STM opens all authorized performance locations


The STM's plan for a safe and gradual return of the musicians in the métro takes a new step as all of the remaining available designated spaces will be opened on March 12.

With the lifting of many pandemic-related measures and in accordance with public health guidelines, the STM is pleased to announce that it is now able to open 24 more designated performance locations (lyres) in the métro as of March 12. In total, 44 lyres will be available for booking, which is all of them except a few that are unavailable for other reasons, such as construction work. Some of the restrictions on performances will also be lifted.

Singing will once again be permitted (with mandatory face coverings), and musicians will be allowed to play wind instruments. Bookings must be done via the online platform, and anyone with symptoms will have to stay home.

Completing a gradual return

The plan to bring musicians back gradually and safely has been in action since November. Aside from a temporary hiatus in January, due to the surge in cases during the fifth wave, the plan has been able to proceed as expected. Over 250 artists have signed up for the online booking platform, an increase from the estimated 200 who used to perform in the métro before the pandemic. The STM would like to applaud these musicians for their cooperation and understanding during this changing situation.

The return of musicians is excellent news for our customers, many of whom have also returned to the métro themselves, as in-person work begins to resume.