Montreal High Lights Festival
Modifications to line 15 Sainte-Catherine
from February 8 to March 7, 2003
Montreal, 6 February 2003 The 15 Sainte-Catherine bus route will be modified between Union and Berri streets from Saturday, February 8 to Friday, March 7 during the Montreal High Lights Festival being held in the streets of downtown Montreal.
While this event actually runs from February 13 to March 2, Sainte-Catherine street will be closed from 6:00 a.m. Saturday, February 8 to 8:00 p.m. Friday, March 7 to allow for the setting up and dismantling of the site. The Société de transport de Montréal, for its part, must modify the line 15 route as well as the route for the night service on line 358 on these same dates.
The buses will detour down Union to Ren�-L�vesque and take R�n�-L�vesque to Berri; they will then travel northbound on Berri and return to the regular route on Sainte-Catherine. Passengers will be able to get on and off the bus at the stops normally served by the buses on line 150 Ren�-L�vesque.
Customers are invited to call the TELBUS number appearing on the panel at their bus stop in order to plan their trips more effectively during this period. For information on routes, customers can call A-U-T-O-B-U-S (288-6287). The STMs Web site also contains a great deal of useful information.