The STM is embarking on its largest development phase since the métro construction of the 1960s. With this background, that is the background for the STM to launch a major image campaign, as of today, under the theme “Setting big ideas in motion.”
Montréal, October 21, 2019 – With investments of $16 billion over 10 years earmarked for infrastructure development, modernization and maintenance projects over the entire Montréal territory, the Société de transport de Montréal (STM) is embarking on its largest development phase since the métro construction of the 1960s. Métro and bus networks are undergoing a transformation, both behind the scenes and before customers’ eyes, with a view to improving service quality. That is the background for the STM to launch a major image campaign, as of today, under the theme “Setting big ideas in motion.”
The aim of this campaign developed in conjunction with Publicis, using a unique, colourful and fun approach, is to let the public know who the STM is in 2019: a dynamic, human-centred and visionary company fully committed to improving mobility in Montréal on multiple fronts through major investments. Well aware of the impacts of these major construction sites, the STM also hopes to demonstrate the expected benefits by encouraging the public to project themselves into the not-so-distant future, when a number of projects currently underway will help transform mobility and facilitate travel for everyone.
The content will appear mainly on posters and social media, and in newspapers and the web media space. A 30-second television ad—a first for the STM since 2011—will also be broadcast as part of this campaign. A brand new interactive map available at illustrates the number, variety and scope of STM sites currently under construction.
Let’s take a look at four flagship projects that will enhance customers’ transit experience and that the public can discover and rediscover throughout this campaign.
A more accessible network
The STM has accelerated the pace of work for equipping its stations with elevators. Sixteen stations will be accessible at the end of 2019, with plans to have elevators installed in 41 of the 68 stations by 2025. This fall, for the first time ever, elevator installation projects will be underway in nine stations at the same time! This transformation entails a high degree of complexity, since it takes place in an environment with numerous inherent constraints, including the requirement to minimize impact on users.
The métro extends eastward
The Blue line extension project is on track, and the STM is responsible for this major project that will change the face of mobility in the east end of Montréal, with the addition of five new accessible métro stations along a 5.8-km extension east of Saint-Michel. The project design aims to promote urban and architectural integration and to lessen the impact brought on by this major construction site. The work is set to begin in 2021, with commissioning in 2026.
More efficient bus trips
Construction work on Pie-IX Boulevard for the first Bus Rapid Transit (BRT) service in Montréal was launched in 2018. The Pie-IX BRT will cover 11 km of permanent and protected lanes reserved exclusively for buses, with 17 stops offering north-south access along Pie-IX Boulevard. When service gets underway, the Pie-IX BRT will offer a frequency comparable to that of the métro during peak periods and eventually serve more than 70,000 customers a day. The STM is also rolling out bus priority measures, installations on the road system that ensure priority is given to public transit to provide transit users with more regular, on-time and rapid service, and cut travel times by about 10%.
The shift toward electrification is underway
The acquisition of 300 additional hybrid buses will improve service, with a 15% increase in the bus fleet. To house and maintain these new vehicles, the STM will expand three bus garages and build two new ones. The arrival of these new hybrid buses is a necessary step toward efficiently transitioning to a fleet of fully electric buses: the STM has set itself a goal of purchasing only electric buses by no later than 2025. Three fast-charging electric buses are already in service on the streets of Montréal, and 38 new electric buses will be put into service in 2020. Paratransit projects are also underway, and new articulated hybrid buses are designated for the Pie-IX BRT.
We’re looking for new players
These major projects require a lot of work and the STM is actively looking for new talents in multiple expertise sectors. To apply or consultat job offerings, visit
Campaign visuals
Download all visuals in high-resolution
Source :
Philippe Déry
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