Paratransit - Exact change

Exact change

You can pay for your trip in the vehicle with the exact change.

Texte important

Métro station fare booths only accept debit or credit card payments.


One trip for one person on zone A via paratransit.

It does not include transfers by bus, métro, train or the REM.

Applicable rates

Regular fare: $3.25
Reduced fare (6-17): 1 : $2.25
Reduced fare (65 years and up): 1 : $2.25

Proof of eligibility for paratransit

You must show your OPUS paratransit ID card to the driver when boarding.

Proof of payment

When you pay your fare, the driver will collect your exact change and make a note of it on his or her trip sheet. This is your proof of payment.

At any time, STM inspectors can proceed with fare control by asking your proof of payment during your transportation aboard our vehicles. Without this proof, fines of up to $500  (excluding fees) may be imposed.

  1. If you are eligible for a reduced fare, the words “tarif réduit” will appear on your OPUS paratransit ID card.
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