List of public places served by Transport adapté
Click below for instructions to access the complete list of public places available in SIRTA. This is a list of places that are frequently visited by Transport adapté customers.
For each location in the list, you'll find a reservation code and details if the location has specific pick-up and drop-off places.
List of public places served by Transport adapté (Excel format)
List of public places served by Transport adapté (PDFformat )
For more information about our list of public places, call us at 514-280-8211
(Teletype: 514-280-5308).
Step 1
Start your session in SIRTA.
After opening SIRTA, enter your file number and password.
Note: If this is your first time using the online reservation service, enter the month and day of your birth as a password (if you were born on September 14, your password is 0914). Then you will have to create a new password before making a reservation. The password must be at least eight characters, including at least one number, e.g., welcome9.
Step 2
Under “Request for occasional transportation,” click “Create an occasional one-way trip.”
Step 3
Under “Departure address,” click the arrow to the right of “Select a type of address” to see the list of options.
Step 4
Select “Public places by address” or “Public places by name.”
Step 5
Then click “Choose an address.” The list of public places will appear