Reserving a regular trip

  • With an agent: 514-280-8211, option 1
  • By fax: 514-280-6313
  • By mail:
    Centre de transport adapté de la STM
    3111, Rue Jarry Est
    Montréal, Québec
    H1Z 2C2


SIRTA, our online reservation site enable you to:

  • View you client record
  • Reserve an occasional trip
  • View your confirmed reservations for the next seven days
  • View your regular and occasional trips
  • Cancel any regular or occasional trips
  • Interrupt regular trips for a maximum of eight weeks

Information required

  • Record number
  • Password (Same password as used for online reservation.)

    If you have never changed it, the password will consist of four figures indicating your date of birth (month and day ; for example, 28 January = 0128).
    During your first visit, you should change your password to make it more secure.


For more information, see the SIRTA User Guide (PDF)or SIRTA User Guide (Word).

By telephone with an agent

Please note that the reservation service, option 1 of the paratransit customer contact centre, is now available from 8:00 a.m. to 7:00 p.m., seven days a week.

There are no changes to option 2 of Info-déplacement, which remains open at all times during regular business hours to cancel a trip or report a delay.

Automated service

You can use the automated service (an interactive voice response system)  by dialling 514-280-8211, option 3.

The following services are offered:

  1. Request for occasional trips, two-way
  2. Request for occasional trips, one-way
  3. Cancellation of trips or interruption of regular trips
  4. Reporting a late vehicle
  5. Confirmation or review of reserved trips

To talk to an agent (during business hours), dial 0.

Information required

  • Record number
  • Password (Same password as used for online reservation)

    If you have never changed it, the password will consist of four figures indicating your date of birth (day and month; for example, 28 January = 2801).
    During your first visit, you should change your password to make it more secure.

To ensure confidentiality in your transactions, you must take two steps to access the automated service menu. After choosing Option 3, you must do the following:

  1. Enter the five or six numbers of your client record, followed by the number sign (#)
  2. Enter the four numbers of your access code. Your access code is composed of the month and date of your birth; For example: April 17 = 0417

Oncethese steps have been taken, you can select the desired service.

Request for an occasional trip

The first and second menus are used to request occasional trips.

Please note : Before using these menus to request occasional trips, you must first create your List of favourite addresses (maximum 8).

Once you have completed this form, forward it to us in one of the following thress ways:

By email:
By fax: 514 280-6313

By mail : STM, Centre de transport adapté, 3111 Rue Jarry Est, Montréal, Quebec, H1Z 2C2


You will also receive a list of public places that you will use for requests for occasional trips to those locations.

The starting point and destination of your trip must always be one of these three places:


The user's home address

A favourite address

One of the eight locations (maximum 8) you chose when drawing up you List of favourite addresses. A number is associated with each of these addresses.Once the list has been drawn up, you can always make changes with the help of a reservation agent (option 1)

A public place

A place that is often visited by our users and is included on the List of public places.

Requests for trips cans be made up to seven days in advance, but never on the same day by the automated service.

Details about the automated service menu:

Menu 1: Request for an occasional return trip

Choose this option if:

  • Your request requires the planning of two trips (return trip)
  • You know the address of the starting point of your trip
  • You know the address of your destination

Menu 2
Request for an occasional one-way trip

Choose this option if:

  • Your request requires planning of just one trip (one-way)
  • You know the address of the starting point of your trip
  • You know the address of your destination

Menu 3
Trip cancellation

Cancelling a trip on the same day or withnin seven days of a confirmed trip

Complete cancellation of a regular trip you will never need again

Interruption of regular trips for a maximum of eight weeks (vacation, illness, etc.). These trips will automatically resume after the interruption period. If you need to cancel for more than eight weeks, you must completely cancel your regular trips.
(menu 3+2)

Menu 4
Notification of late arrival

Use this menu if a vehicle arrives more than thirty minutes after the confirmed pick-up time.

Menu 5
Review or confirm your trips

Menus 5+1 and 5+4 allows you to review the schedule of your occasional and regular trips. You may also use them to confirm occasional or regular trips that were previously placed on hold.

5+1 Schedule of trips for the current day or the next 7 days
5+2 Schedule of regular trips
5+3 Confirmation of an occasional trip
5+4 Confirmation of a regular trip

Information required to make a reservation

Be sure  that you have the following information at hand :

  • The user's record number
  • Exact origin and destination, with boarding and drop-off points
    For commonly visited public location, the STM determines boarding and drop-off points.
  • Desired arrival and return times
    You must also know the opening and closing times of your destination.
  • Mobility aids used during trips
    For example, walker, service dog
  • Presence of a companion
    Including their mobility aids or additional space requirements.
  • The reason for the trip
    For example, work, class, recreation, workshop
    This information helps to determine the priority of the trip should an extraordinary
    event forces the STM to cancel trips.

Reserving an occasional trip

You can make a reservation within seven days of the date of the trip.

All requests for transportation within the STM service area for the following day
will be granted.

Requests made for transportation on the same day will be processed depending on available resources and may be refused.

Our reservation service always tries to accommodate customers calling for a new same-day booking request. We understand that it is entirely normal to want to travel spontaneously. However, when new bookings cause delays to planned travel, or if the resources are no longer available, we must decline the request.

Same-day changes to the return time

Did you know that almost 7% of trips that we carry out daily were granted on the same day? Of these, approximately one-third are related to medical travel or Municipal Court returns for which the return time could not be honoured for reasons beyond the customer’s control. These situations are unpredictable, and the customer can change their return time to return home. No change has been made to this practise.

New same-day travel requests

Same-day travel requests are granted when they can be combined with the cancellation of another customer on that same day. However, when delays already exist, adding customers on the same day causes extra pressure to schedules, resulting in further delays in overall travel.

We can accept new same-day request, as long as they do not affect customers who have already booked the previous day.

On occasion, we plan over 10,000 trips in a single day. This is a complex task for which the safety and experience of our customers is central to our concerns, for we are committed to providing you with the best possible service.

Precautionary measures are not intended to limit the rights of our customers to travel but are implemented taking into account the volume of travel already reserved (in order to honour them), the anticipation of longer trips, a number of cancellations by our customers and the number of cars we will have available during peak demand. Despite all these measures, longer trips and more frequent and longer delays must also be expected.

We would like to remind you that the best way to travel is to book your travel in advance, before 9 p.m. the previous day, and even a day earlier when bad winter weather conditions occur :

Also, during bad weather conditions, if your trip can be moved to another day or if your boarding or landing location has not been cleared of the snow, we ask that you call us to cancel as soon as possible. This benefits everyone, especially customers who have no choice but to travel despite the storm.


Forms for reserving group transportation

One month prior to the first trip by a group, please send us this completed form:

Then reserve your transportation:

We must receive your group reservation request at least 10 days in advance.

Group transportation is only available for trips taken on Montréal area.

  • By fax: 514-280-5317
  • By email:
  • By mail:
    Centre de transport adapté de la STM
    3111 Rue Jarry Est
    Montréal, Québec
    H1Z 2C2

Reserving a metropolitan trip

To book a regular or occasional metropolitan trip, you will need to first complete and forward the Consent to disclosure of personal information form (Information on how to forward it is on the form). This will allow the information in your client record to be shared with other carriers.
Please allow at least five days for processing the form before making your first reservation.

Any request for metropolitan travel must be received before noon on the day before the trip.
To make a reservation, follow the usual procedure for a regular or occasional trip.

  1. *For same-day reservations, it is necessary to speak to an agent (no online or automated service reservations are accepted.


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