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Press release

The Société de transport de Montréal (STM) Welcomes Multi-Year Financial Support for Public Transit

The Société de transport de Montréal (STM) welcomes the provincial government's announcement of multi-year financial assistance for public transit in its recent economic update. This is a significant step toward establishing a predictable financial framework that ensures the continuation of public transit services and allows for operational optimizations. Equally important is securing financial predictability for asset maintenance to guarantee the sustainability and reliability of infrastructure—and, by extension, the services they support.

STM 2025 Budget and 2025–2034 Capital Expenditure Program: Same level of service and growing needs in asset maintenance

STM 2025 Budget and 2025–2034 Capital Expenditure Program: Same level of service and growing needs in asset maintenance

The Société de transport de Montréal (STM) is releasing its 2025 budget, which totals $1.8 billion. Thanks to the efforts of its partners, the STM is able to present a balanced budget and confirm that the current level of service will be maintained in 2025. The 2025–2034 capital expenditure program, also released today, details investment needs of $25.8 billion, with $10.7 billion earmarked for métro asset maintenance so that the STM can continue to offer safe, reliable services and extend the lifespan of its infrastructure and equipment, especially in the métro network.

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L'îlot Rosemont à son plein potentiel (in French only)

L'îlot Rosemont à son plein potentiel (in French only)

La Société de transport de Montréal annonce la réouverture du terminus de bus de la station Rosemont. Cette réouverture termine le projet unique et à caractère social de l'îlot Rosemont, qui permet de valoriser cette station de métro.